Sunday, September 24, 2006

Just some funny pics to start the week off right

Hi yall ~ I saved some funny pics to post, which I thought might set the mood "just right" for our work week upcoming. Take care of yourselves, my friends. ~ JDee (Anna)

Posted JDaaris @ 6:40 PM :: 2 chocolate drops

Gimme some chocolate!

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Truly pathetic...

to wake up on the Saturday of a three-day weekend at 3:00 a.m... truly more pathetic to actually get up at 3:30... and the icing on the cake is coming immediately into the office after the morning toilette and coffee making to turn on the pooter and check my e-mails, finally catch up on bloggers... is that a life? The cats are peeved with me; I tend to parcel out little snacks of food in their individual dishes, which I've done twice in the past 1-1/2 hours I've been up, and decided they do not need a third helping right now. If looks killed....

Anyhoo, I decided it was better to get up than to toss and turn trying to force myself back to sleep. I rise so early during the work week anyway, that I fell asleep in front of the TV Friday evening just before 7:00... a deep, dreaming sleep... don't remember the dream, just remember it was pleasant. We tried the new "lasagna" pizza from Pizza Hut last night (tradition for us to have pizza on Friday). Don't bother, it was nasty. I think I'd be better off making my own pizza, certainly would be cheaper. Maybe I can make some dough ahead of time and freeze it.. ??

I'm awaiting the hint of dawn to emerge so I can venture onto the porch and watch the interesting shadows which fade into a morning of promise.

Have a wonderful weekend.

Posted JDaaris @ 5:06 AM :: 4 chocolate drops

Gimme some chocolate!

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