Saturday, December 02, 2006

Interesting opportunity, need yer thoughts

Hiya all; can't believe it has been so long since I last blogged. We have gone from not very busy to mandatory OT at work; I worked Thanksgiving and didn't "perish" tho I thought I might! We actually had a pretty good meal (mostly courtesy of the local grocer/deli, sans the turkey, green bean casserole and some yeast rolls). I'm not feeling as morose as I once was... can't quite explain why, maybe too busy to be blue.

Anyhoo, I received a very intriguing invite in the mail yesterday. I immediately dismissed it out of hand, but my hubby was so excited on my behalf that I'm now rethinking it, no matter how absurd the idea. I've been invited to participate in a People to People Ambassador Program visiting China and exchanging ideas regarding healthcare documentation and data capture. My own professional organization thinks I would provide some expertise. The catch? We pay our own way.. which would be expected. However, the cost is just less than $5000 for the 12-day excursion, which includes transportation, accommodations and most meals. That's a bargain, in my opinion.

Reasons not to go: I hate to fly, and a trip that long would probably drive me batty. We don't have $5000 just hanging around waiting to be spent. I would lose income for two weeks during a period of time in the year when some heavy duty annual expenses are due (probably about $1000 lost). Oh, did I mention I hate to fly? :)

Reasons to go: Opportunity of a lifetime.

We would be in Beijing, Guilin and Shanghai.

I'd love your thoughts on this. Mainly, what would you do under the same circumstances?

Posted JDaaris @ 11:23 AM :: 2 chocolate drops

Gimme some chocolate!

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