Monday, October 16, 2006

And..... I'm off!

I've been awake on and off since about 2:00 this morning; finally caved, and got up around 4:25 (hope to snooze on the flight). I called the hotel night shift to verify our room and reservation (all set), printed a copy of our itinerary for our adult kid who is house/pet sitting, and am now working on finishing my last big cup of java (AKA, "the elixir of life"). I will not be drinking anything after finishing this last drop of nectar until getting on the flight. I detest the idea of using the airplane "facilities" and try mightily to curb my liquid intake to achieve the goal of staying in my seat for the entire flight. I was successful in that goal in August on my last flight to Boston, but, on the return flight, my bladder let me down. Unfortunately, it was packed with families (that being the downside to flying into Orlando from anywhere at anytime), and I, being in the window seat, had to beg the indulgence of the older couple who sat beside me to allow me both out and back in again. The big eeeuueeee, (Denise, I thought of you), was that I was next in line after a young child, whose hygiene and parent was lacking... even the seat was smeared... such a lovely sight 30,000 feet above the earth. Thank God for antibacterial soap. I hope never to repeat such a stellar experience.

Posted JDaaris @ 7:09 AM :: 2 chocolate drops

Gimme some chocolate!

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