Saturday, August 19, 2006

Dancing fuzz under the lamp shade

OK, I've been watching this same delicate, gossamer-like piece of fuzz dancing under the lampshade for perhaps the last 45 minutes. Oh, I don't mean I'm mesmerized by it and staring it down for the past 3/4 hour, but it stays within my peripheral vision as I sit in front of the computer monitor doing whatever it is I do (can somebody help me out in that regard? I'm just not sure what that is!)... anyhoo, the ceiling fan seems to be providing the breeze which catches this particular piece of fuzz and provides the variety of movements. I think it is caught in a very, very fine cobweb which has apparently been spun sometime between yesterday afternoon and this morning. I don't spy culprit web spinner anywhere, tho. Guess that pretty much sums up my morning so far... and this could be considered "confessions" of a housekeeping-challenged soul. Eh, off to grind the coffee beans, just got caught up in the delights of minutiae all around me this morning.

Posted JDaaris @ 7:49 AM :: 0 chocolate drops

Gimme some chocolate!

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