Friday, June 30, 2006

It's hard to make a comeback...

when you haven't been anywhere! Does anybody else think that's as funny as I do? I got an e-mail from a "bud" 'o mine who sent me a bunch of restroom signs, but this, "it's hard to make a comeback when you haven't been anywhere" was actually written in the grime on the back of a city bus... I had to share because I thought it was funny... what clever "graffittiphiles" we have around, eh? I also liked this particular restroom sign in a ladies restroom in Texas, "if it has tires or testicles, it's gonna cause problems." Feeling 'awfully glad' that it's Friday and wishing I had asked for Monday off to make a 4-day weekend... but we have a skeleton crew working, so I don't dare ask for it off now... :( I'll be back on sometime this weekend, just felt like posting this!

Posted JDaaris @ 9:07 AM :: 3 chocolate drops

Gimme some chocolate!

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