Friday, April 28, 2006

Me, tagged? ha

I have no weirdness... quirks, eccentricities, perhaps...but no weirdness.

1) I'm learning to play the oboe.. (baby steps, baby steps)
2) I have an antique hutch full of snack sets or toast and tea sets...none of which I have used; can't figure out why I frantically collected them from e-bay.
3) I have to have books on shelves in every room; I can't bear to part with my books, hence we are hemorrhaging books from years and years and years; can't find anymore places to put them.
4) I'm crazy about Avon's "Dream Life" powder; a most distinctive and wonderful scent.
5) I "have to" drink coffee during working hours from a Sandra Boynton hippo mug, either "Dance is Everything" or the other mug she designed with hippos in tutus...however, I will not drink from either when I'm not working...
6) I'm an "Exalted Queen Mother" in a local chapter of Red Hat ladies.

I tag:

First Lady Laura Bush
Robin Williams
Tyra Banks
Annie Potts
Sneezy the Dwarf
Big Foot.


Posted JDaaris @ 4:26 PM :: 5 chocolate drops

Gimme some chocolate!

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