Monday, February 13, 2006

Got some disappointing news...

Hi all. As some of you may now, I write little fluff articles for our local paper here in Central Florida; I can only submit every 60 days; usually I have two or three in a year's time. They are mostly irreverent pieces based on the mistakes I make in my everyday life... or I pick on my husband and exaggerate his foibles (my most common subject, much to his complete dismay). I got word from the editor, last night, that unless my pieces offer an opinion, a strong one, they will no longer be printed! I don't do opinion pieces, I do commentary about eBay, being a chocoholic, trying to plant a flower garden, observing my husband recuperate from an appendectomy, going through the drama of having a pool built, watching men shop in a hardware store, enjoying the sounds around town, commenting on God's sense of humor (after all, He made the giraffe and the chipmonk...), attempting a Christmas light display for the yard, working at home with a cat as company.... those types of things. They are always meant as gentle fun poking, to be entertaining, and as a means to escape the seriousness of life... I'm pretty sad about this; I've lost a creative outlet for myself; I have especially enjoyed the responses I've gotten to some of the things I've written (astonishing as to how many people have taken me seriously!). Oh well.

Posted JDaaris @ 6:20 AM :: 6 chocolate drops

Gimme some chocolate!

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