Monday, November 28, 2005

Thanks everybody

Hi all. Thanks for the offers of help, I'm going to need it. Sooner, Babs, I appreciate the welcome. Chatty, that goes for you, too. I'm still on the "other site" ~ I don't have a real beef but things seem plastic over there. I don't tend to be controversial either, but that's just me; I don't mind people speaking their mind, never have. I may or may not agree; some things are worth sticking up for, some things aren't. I can't figure this site out very well, I would like to have links to the blogs I like, but the ability to do that has yet to penetrate my techno-challenged brain! Eh, back to work today. My "project" that I have been belly aching about elsewhere should have been completed Saturday. Unfortunately, my project "partner" ~ once again ~ did not live up to her end of the responsibility, hence the project drags out into this week. One more thing unfinished. Take care all, I'm headed for coffee and then onto the grind.

Posted JDaaris @ 3:13 AM :: 2 chocolate drops

Gimme some chocolate!

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